Decatur Grace Fellowship CHurch| 316 N 7th St. | Decatur, In | 46733 | Tel: 260.704.2610
What We Believe
1. Bible. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God; without error as originally
written. Its content has been preserved by Him, and is the final authority in all matters of
doctrine and faith-above all human authority.
2. God. We believe there is no God but one: the infinite Designer, Creator, and
Sustainer of all existence in this or any universe-from eternity past to eternity future.
God’s nature is triune-three perfect and eternal persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit-who
are one, in being as well as in purpose.
3. Law. We believe God is the source of all moral and natural law. The highest and all-
encompassing law, given to man, is to love the one true God above all else.
4. Man. We believe that man is a created, finite being; designed in the image of God,
with the ability to reason, make choices, and have relationships. Man was created for the
purpose of bringing glory to God, but since the day man first rebelled against God’s law, all
mankind has been sinful by nature, and has earned the penalty of death and eternal
separation from God.
5. Salvation. We believe salvation is available to all. By confession of our sinful state
and profession the Jesus Christ and that He lived, died and rose again on the third day to
pay the penalty for our sins. By receiving that by faith we are eternally saved the the grace
of God.