Decatur Grace Fellowship CHurch| 316 N 7th St. | Decatur, In | 46733 | Tel: 260.704.2610
Decatur Grace Fellowship CHURCH
Pastor Dan has real world experience that is reflected in his messages and everyday life. He preached in the streets of Indianapolis and Louisville and was a missionary evangelist to native Indian tribes in the US and in Canada. He has been pastor in Decatur for more than 30 years Pastor Dan is supported by a dedicated staff of volunteers.
SS Superintendent - Jason Bebout Minister of Music - Mike Summers does a great job in leading us into God's presence through music. He is supported by the gracious Rene Biberstein on the piano. Rene also does the arranging or music for a smooth transition and excellence of presentation. Assistant: Millie Deaton Missions President - Brenna Willoughby Children Church Director - Pam Schafer Activities Director - Mindy Knefelkamp Youth Ministry - Falisha Biberstein Assistant: Duane Biberstein Church Board - Lonnie Biberstein, Darrell Deaton, Duane Biberstein, Phillip Schafer, Mike Summers, Brent Schindler, Rob Knefelkamp Church Secretary - Millie Deaton Head Trustee - Darrell Deaton Head Steward - Dan Eckelbarger Head Usher - Barbara Hileman Activity Director - Rose Willoughby Benevolence - Lonnie Biberstein Finance - Rachel Summers Pastor Appreciation - Lonnie & Tonya
Pastor Dan and Ann York