Decatur Grace Fellowship CHurch| 316 N 7th St. | Decatur, In | 46733 | Tel: 260.704.2610
Pastor Dan has real world experience that is reflected in his
messages and everyday life. He preached in the streets of
Indianapolis and Louisville and was a missionary evangelist to
native Indian tribes in the US and in Canada. He has been pastor in
Decatur for more than 30 years Pastor Dan is supported by a
dedicated staff of volunteers.
SS Superintendent - Jason Bebout
Minister of Music - Mike Summers does a great job in leading us into God's presence through music.
He is supported by the gracious Rene Biberstein on the piano. Rene also does the arranging or music
for a smooth transition and excellence of presentation. Assistant: Millie Deaton
Missions President - Brenna Willoughby
Children Church Director - Pam Schafer
Activities Director - Mindy Knefelkamp
Youth Ministry - Falisha Biberstein Assistant: Duane Biberstein
Church Board - Lonnie Biberstein, Darrell Deaton, Duane Biberstein, Phillip Schafer, Mike Summers,
Brent Schindler, Rob Knefelkamp
Church Secretary - Millie Deaton
Head Trustee - Darrell Deaton
Head Steward - Dan Eckelbarger
Head Usher - Barbara Hileman
Activity Director - Rose Willoughby
Benevolence - Lonnie Biberstein Finance - Rachel Summers Pastor Appreciation - Lonnie & Tonya
Pastor Dan and Ann York